Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Can One Hour a Day Do For You?

By Billie A Williams ©2007

Often when I’m reading, a sentence or paragraph will spark an idea that I need to write about. Today while I was reading Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles was one of those occasions. This man is so brilliant and yet so down to earth it’s hard not to become absorbed by his writing. He is one of the authors of the enormously popular Chicken Soup for the… books. He shares his secrets, his ideals, his methods so eloquently and so freely you learn just by being in the book no matter what your intentions are.

Today he sparked a thought. What could I do with ONE TINY HOUR A DAY. So turn off the television and read a book – not just a book but one about a successful person, a biography, or a how to book. This example of the time that accrues with that one hour should cause you to pause and think for a minute.
1 hour a day = 365 hours per year—that equals nine 40-hour workweeks, which will give you 2 extra months of time to accomplish your dreams – that’s every year.

So what dreams have you put on hold because you don’t have enough —enough time, money, knowledge, skills, —what are you doing with that hour before bed? Are you reading? Why not make it a learning time. Learn something to advance you toward your dream goal. Read about how other successful people before you have done it. Discover just what it is you need to do and then DO IT! One small step at a time is all it takes to walk that extra mile. Learning is the oars that will row your boat up the river…the knowledge needs to be accompanied by action however. Knowing will get you nowhere unless you move toward your goal. Plan to do one thing to move you closer to your dream goal every time you finish reading one of those books.

If you read one book a week, in 10 years you will have read 520 books.
That’s a wealth of knowledge. Imagine if you accompanied each book read with one action to move you forward? Just think of the possibilities and all because you gave up one hour of television a day.

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