Monday, June 11, 2007

So You Want to Write a Play. Just Do It!

So You Want to Write a Play. Why not?

“You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.”
- Edgar A. Guest

“Don’t let me hear you use the word ‘impossible.’ If I’ve learned anything over the course of my career, there’s no such thing as impossible. Overnight the impossible may not be possible. But over time, the impossible certainly becomes possible.” Earl Graves

So You Want to Write a Play. You can, the internet makes learning from your home easy. You can learn anytime of night or day, whenever you have ‘free’ time. Books, classes, like minded people in areas you chose to study are as close as a click away. The Nike™ phrase applies…If you want to, just—DO IT!

There are no guarantees in this world, but if you want something bad enough, you can do it. Stories abound with those who wanted something bad enough, were willing to work hard enough and dream big enough that the desire consumed them. They learned everything they needed to know as they tested the water—first with a toe as a swimmer would do. As they gained more knowledge, interacted with more people in the field of their dreams, they became what their dreams entailed.

Read any of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen’s Chicken Soup series of books if you need examples. Go to Jack Canfield’s website at and get on board to learn. Stop by Cynthia Kersey’s website. The author of Unstoppable talks the talk and more importantly walks the walk. .

This brings me to the title of this missive. A friend had a short novel (A Christmas Dream) that I thought would make a perfect play. I had been dipping my toes in the icy water of learning script writing with classes, books, groups and lists of like minded individuals. I had my own novel I wanted to turn into a script. Tung Umolomo is an African suspense adventure story, a longer novel than my friend's.

I spoke with my friend, Janet Elaine Smith, her exuberance, encouragement and enthusiasm convinced me to apply what I had learned to A Christmas Dream. I did it! The results is a 3-Act Play that is with a publisher now (Star Publish, LLC) going through the formatting process, expected to be available to small and medium theatrical groups of church, school, college, and community theaters in July 2007.

Follow me while we examine the process. As I swim up stream, holding my breath until the first curtain goes up. I’d like to be there where ever that might be. I’d love to congratulate the cast and crew for following their dreams of producing A Christmas Dream where miracles still happen, even for Santa.

Next time, we’ll dip our toes in the icy winter waters of the new. I don’t pretend to know it all, but to me; life, living, learning is an ongoing adventure. I intend to participate to the fullest. Want to write a play? Why not? Be here for the next installment and we’ll do it together.

1 comment:

JanetElaineSmith said...

I am so proud of you for doing the script for A Christmas Dream, Billie. I am really anxious for it to be onstage too. You know it is my favorite book (out of my own 15, I mean).
Onward and forward! You can't stop us now! We're on a roll!
Janet Elaine Smith