As former therapists who ventured into online marketing just four years ago we had to overcome our technical deficiencies and learn to make friends with the computer. Even more so, we had to open our minds to an entirely new way of being in the world, a whole new and very different mindset—a marketing/business mindset.
We kept hearing from Internet marketing teachers about this strategy and that technique, and all we had to do was apply what we were learning and we would surely become successful Internet marketers. After all, they did, and, as they kept insisting —“You Can Too!!”
So we applied exactly what we were told, step-by-step, word-for-word — with some financial success. But all along we labored under the feeling that something was wrong. Or to put it more accurately, something just wasn't right. But what?
The answer began to emerge at the various Internet marketing conferences we attended.
We could hear that what the speakers were teaching was logical and credible. But we always felt a sense of displacement, a feeling of not belonging, of somehow being outsiders. We hadn't had years of business experience, no formal business education, and no family business connections. So we accepted our discomfort as just part of the newness we'd jumped into.
But at those same conferences we began to hear others who had the same complaint.“I don't feel right, somehow. ” We heard their complaints often enough that a pattern became clear. All those who voiced this kind of discomfort were service providers, care-givers, change agents of some kind, men and women who had dedicated their lives to helping others— heart-to-heart.
These people didn't have big money as their foremost objective. To be sure they all wanted to make money —a commensurate return for the value they provided. But equal to making money was their need to serve the well-being of their customers and clients, and in so doing, earn the income they desired — not the other way around.
They also expressed their resistance to and sometimes down right objection to competing and keeping score— i.e. making money for money's sake. And some uttered the word “selling” as though it were a profanity. It became clear that there was a segment of the Internet marketplace that was not being served. That segment is peopled by soft sell marketers — all of us who are care-givers and life - change artists as distinct from accumulation artists whose focus is money first and foremost.
If you relate to what we're saying, The Heart of Marketing is written to you and for you.
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