Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You Are Better Than You Think You Are!

Well Okay, perhaps we don't even begin to live up to our potential. I was reading an article by a gal named Melissa Galt today--Her great grandfather was Frank Lloyd Wright famed architect, her god mother Edith Head -- do you know she was a teacher and it was a couple of her students sketches that started her on her career as the designer of Hollywood fame and fortune. Well Ms Galt's mother was Ann about blue blood - okay so maybe she wasn't rich - certainly Mr. Wright wasn't rich when he died -- he said he would rather have the luxuries of life then the necessities {grin} and Ann Baxter wasn't rich by the time she died -- but Ms Galt had a vision, and her mind was rich with possibilities and she followed it.

Some psychologist - James Joyce I think? said that we use less then ten percent of our brain - can you imagine if we engaged that whole mass what wisdom, what creative talent, what potential we would have to be as great as our greatest relative, whoever that might be.

Stretch yourself - stretch your mind - grow into what you might become. I double dog dare you to = )
Still time to enter the Ancient Secrets Give-A-Way check it out on my website.



Hi Billie,

Wish I'd written that post. But then, that 90% of grey matter was in repose and the predictable 10%...well... I look forward to getting to know you with Suzanne and the group. My site is

Today By Design said...


Delighted you picked that up. Yes, Aunt Edie was an amazing lady, but then so was Mom (Anne Baxter), she knew at age 7 what she wanted to do and never lost focus or faith. All three made it against the odds, we each have the same opportunity!

Prosper by Design,