It seems like you wait for it forever and when it hits, you have almost forgotten about it - well, that's a joke. I get as nervous as though it was the birth of child, not
just (and I will eat that word)another book.
Fin, Fur and Fatal will hit the shelves tomorrow. I can't wait. The stress of getting this book to the shelves has been -- daunting. A near miss several times.
I am waiting to order bookmarks - Richard Stroud my cover artist (who by the way is phenomenal) is designing them...if you send me an email - or comment on the blog I'll send you one as soon as I get them -be sure to include your snail mail address- probably mid February now.
I'm having a contest too - details will be available on my website at Some cute, some great prizes...check it out Monday, February 1, 2010
Hints - a dog with a puppy in his mouth (stuffed toy of course)A doggy bookmark, a doggy pen, a cover flat - or poster autographed of course... and more.
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